AppSetter is a WordPress theme developed by makerspender. It is published on with a "GNU General Public License" license. Latest version of the theme is 1.0.7.
Download AppSetter WordPress Theme
- Theme: AppSetter
- Author: makerspender (View All Themes)
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About AppSetter
AppSetter is a free blog theme that will suit many tech sites, review, mobile, and other electronic sites and stores.
1. Set up default images to display when there are no featured images. 2. Navigate to Appearance -> Customize -> Static Front Page and choose one of the options. You can have eihter a blog layout or page layout depending on your needs. 3. Go to Settings -> Permalinks and save page without changing the settings unless you also wish to do that.
Theme Details
Theme Name
Author URI
AppSetter is a free blog theme that will suit many tech sites, review, mobile, and other electronic sites and stores.
1. Set up default images to display when there are no featured images. 2. Navigate to Appearance -> Customize -> Static Front Page and choose one of the options. You can have eihter a blog layout or page layout depending on your needs. 3. Go to Settings -> Permalinks and save page without changing the settings unless you also wish to do that.
1. Set up default images to display when there are no featured images. 2. Navigate to Appearance -> Customize -> Static Front Page and choose one of the options. You can have eihter a blog layout or page layout depending on your needs. 3. Go to Settings -> Permalinks and save page without changing the settings unless you also wish to do that.
one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, custom-colors, custom-menu, featured-images, theme-options
GNU General Public License