AZA Lite is a WordPress theme developed by Andrei Băicuș. It is published on with a "GNU General Public License v2 or later" license. Latest version of the theme is 1.1.1.
Download AZA Lite WordPress Theme
- Theme: AZA Lite
- Author: Andrei Băicuș (View All Themes)
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About AZA Lite
AZA Lite is a perfect one-page WordPress theme for small businesses, freelancers and anyone who wishes to build a responsive, one-page, straightforward website in a matter of minutes. This highly customizable WordPress theme strives to give the end-user a really cozy feel and a great experience while carefully delivering important content and information. The fully customizable layered Parallax section is just stunning to look at and can be a great hook for anybody landing on your website. Have a great time using something that was carefully engineered for beautiful minds.