Bilqis Theme is a WordPress theme developed by WPThemes NZ. It is published on with a "GNU General Public License v2.0" license. Latest version of the theme is 1.1.0.
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- Theme: Bilqis Theme
- Author: WPThemes NZ (View All Themes)
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About Bilqis Theme
Surfarama is a bold and fun theme which uses the popular mason style layout on the home page and category pages to highlight imagery and make for a very visual presentation. It's perfect for travel and magazine style blogs heavy on the imagery. The theme is highly customizable with the ability to upload your own logo, set the background color (or image), the primary theme color and even color code the categories without any coding required.
Theme Details
Theme Name
Bilqis Theme
WPThemes NZ
Author URI
Surfarama is a bold and fun theme which uses the popular mason style layout on the home page and category pages to highlight imagery and make for a very visual presentation. It's perfect for travel and magazine style blogs heavy on the imagery. The theme is highly customizable with the ability to upload your own logo, set the background color (or image), the primary theme color and even color code the categories without any coding required.
custom-menu, sticky-post, microformats, rtl-language-support, translation-ready, full-width-template, post-formats
GNU General Public License v2.0