ClesarMedia is a WordPress theme developed by Pixel Design. It is published on with a "GNU General Public License v2 or laterLicense URI " license. Latest version of the theme is 1.3.0.
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- Theme: ClesarMedia
- Author: Pixel Design (View All Themes)
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About ClesarMedia
ClesarMedia is a fully responsive and free magazine / blog WordPress theme with a clean and modern design. This free WordPress theme is especially suitable for fancy online magazines, dynamic news websites, vivid blogs and other editorial websites with topics like lifestyle, food, travel, beauty, fashion, sports or any other content genre.
Theme Details
Theme Name
Pixel Design
Author URI
ClesarMedia is a fully responsive and free magazine / blog WordPress theme with a clean and modern design. This free WordPress theme is especially suitable for fancy online magazines, dynamic news websites, vivid blogs and other editorial websites with topics like lifestyle, food, travel, beauty, fashion, sports or any other content genre.
one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header, full-width-template, post-formats, sticky-post, theme-options, translation-ready
GNU General Public License v2 or laterLicense URI