Coller is a WordPress theme developed by InkHive. It is published on with a "GNU General Public License v3" license. Latest version of the theme is 2.0.5.
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- Theme: Coller
- Author: InkHive (View All Themes)
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About Coller
Welcome to Coller 2.0. Its a Major Upgrade over the Old Coller Theme. This new one comes with many powerful Features, more customization options and what not. Everything you need from a theme is there. Plus, it loads terribly fast. And Yes, its Fully Responsive on all devices from smallets phones to bigger desktops. NOTE: Coller 2.0 Is a Major Upgrade, where it switches from Theme Options to WordPress Customizer.
Theme Details
Theme Name
Author URI
Welcome to Coller 2.0. Its a Major Upgrade over the Old Coller Theme. This new one comes with many powerful Features, more customization options and what not. Everything you need from a theme is there. Plus, it loads terribly fast. And Yes, its Fully Responsive on all devices from smallets phones to bigger desktops. NOTE: Coller 2.0 Is a Major Upgrade, where it switches from Theme Options to WordPress Customizer.
custom-background, two-columns, one-column, custom-colors, flexible-header, right-sidebar, custom-menu, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, featured-images, photography, full-width-template, custom-header, blog
GNU General Public License v3