Coverht WP is a WordPress theme developed by One Designs. It is published on with a "" license. Latest version of the theme is 1.4.1.
Download Coverht WP WordPress Theme
- Theme: Coverht WP
- Author: One Designs (View All Themes)
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About Coverht WP
A user-ready magazine style theme. Includes support for several plugins, drop-down menus, featured & popular posts, automatic thumbnail resizing, widget-ready sidebar and footer, custom header, author highlighting, social bookmarking, localized for english, romanian and german. Background image Victorian Pattern by Emily Coletta.
Theme Details
Theme Name
Coverht WP
One Designs
Author URI
A user-ready magazine style theme. Includes support for several plugins, drop-down menus, featured & popular posts, automatic thumbnail resizing, widget-ready sidebar and footer, custom header, author highlighting, social bookmarking, localized for english, romanian and german. Background image Victorian Pattern by Emily Coletta.
brown, fixed-width, right-sidebar, two-columns, custom-header