Elevation Lite is a WordPress theme developed by Grace Themes. It is published on WordPress.org with a "GNU General Public License version 2 or later" license. Latest version of the theme is 1.1.
Download Elevation Lite WordPress Theme
- Theme: Elevation Lite
- Author: Grace Themes (View All Themes)
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About Elevation Lite
Elevation Lite is a modern and gorgeous, handsome and colorful, creative and innovative, engaging and attractive, conceptually unique and tech-savvy, user and developer friendly, easy to use and highly responsive free parallax WordPress theme. This WordPress theme is a very high quality and resourceful website theme, developed specifically to satisfy the needs of web developers. Demo Link: https://gracethemes.com/demo/elevation/
Theme Details
Theme Name
Elevation Lite
Grace Themes
Author URI
Elevation Lite is a modern and gorgeous, handsome and colorful, creative and innovative, engaging and attractive, conceptually unique and tech-savvy, user and developer friendly, easy to use and highly responsive free parallax WordPress theme. This WordPress theme is a very high quality and resourceful website theme, developed specifically to satisfy the needs of web developers. Demo Link: https://gracethemes.com/demo/elevation/
blog,two-columns,right-sidebar,custom-logo,full-width-template,custom-colors,custom-header,featured-images,editor-style,custom-background,custom-menu,threaded-comments,theme-options, translation-ready
GNU General Public License version 2 or later