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2012-XTended is a WordPress theme developed by Tomas Mackevicius. It is published on with a "GNU General Public License v2 or later" license. Latest version of the theme is 1.1.

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About 2012-XTended

2012-XTended child theme encompass all the best features of the default WordPress themes in one place, plus more usability and code improvements! It features elegant mobile-first HTML5 ready structure of Twenty Twelve, custom per-post headers from Twenty Ten, three footer widgets from Twenty Eleven, icon webfont support from Twenty Thirteen and microdata format support. It's all there, you have everything in one neat package. 2012-XTended can be used as a learning tool or your own little web development "framework". With its unique "Coding Tips system" 2012-XTended helps to understand how to extend parent themes and build your own child themes, hacking them the way you want it. You get the best coding examples from default WordPress themes and the best hacks from the child theme.

Theme Details

Theme Name 2012-XTended
Version 1.1
Author Tomas Mackevicius
Author URI
Description 2012-XTended child theme encompass all the best features of the default WordPress themes in one place, plus more usability and code improvements! It features elegant mobile-first HTML5 ready structure of Twenty Twelve, custom per-post headers from Twenty Ten, three footer widgets from Twenty Eleven, icon webfont support from Twenty Thirteen and microdata format support. It's all there, you have everything in one neat package. 2012-XTended can be used as a learning tool or your own little web development "framework". With its unique "Coding Tips system" 2012-XTended helps to understand how to extend parent themes and build your own child themes, hacking them the way you want it. You get the best coding examples from default WordPress themes and the best hacks from the child theme.
Tags light, gray, white, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, flexible-width, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header, full-width-template, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, translation-ready
Template twentytwelve
License GNU General Public License v2 or later
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