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Act-Child is a WordPress theme developed by Vadym. It is published on with a "" license. Latest version of the theme is 1.0.2.

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About Act-Child

Act-Child is a child theme for the Actuate Theme ( Add font "Open Sans". The main menu is repainted in syle.css. Added Russian translation of the theme (30%). Changed the block of copyright (now only your copyright).

Theme Details

Theme Name Act-Child
Version 1.0.2
Author Vadym
Author URI
Description Act-Child is a child theme for the Actuate Theme ( Add font "Open Sans". The main menu is repainted in syle.css. Added Russian translation of the theme (30%). Changed the block of copyright (now only your copyright).
Tags white, orange, light, responsive-layout, fluid-layout, two-columns, three-columns, right-sidebar, custom-menu, threaded-comments, theme-options, translation-ready, custom-background
Template actuate
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